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23 October 2008

PRAY ANYWAY- Matthew 14:22-23

Matthew 14:22-23

Taken from the book "A Shepherd's Voice", Reflections on the Sunday Gospel
( Cycle A ) by Most Rev. Mylo Hubert C. Vergara, DD, MA, STD.

When you don't know how to pray, pray anyway!is no excuse.
When you don't feel like praying, pray anyway! Depression is no excuse.When dullness sits on you like a vulture, and you can't muster enough enthusiasm to change channels,much less to pray, pray anyway! Boredom in no excuse!
When you see no need to pray and no reason to intercede for those about you,
recognize this as a sign of impending danger, and pray anyway! Blindness is no excuse. When you've grown spiritually lazy and feel that you'll never be able to pick up your Bible and read it the way you once did, especially pray anyway.

Laziness is no excuse.When you don't understand what big deal is about prayer,and you think it's overrated because it never did you much good, pray anyway. Immaturity is no excuse. When you're tired to remember your own name, and you know God will understand if you don't pray, pray anyway. Fatigue is no excuse. When you're embarassed to be back before God, confessing the same sins and admitting the same failures, come on and pray anyway. Shame is no excuse. When you've been unfaithful and you know it and you feel that burden of guilt that makes you want to run and hide under the porch, pray anyway Sin is no excuse. When the nagging voice of the enemy keeps telling you there is no God and even if there were, He'd never have anything to do with a nothing like you, pray anyway. Unbelief is no excuse.

We can bless ourselves immeasurably by rescuing our prayer life from bondage to our emotions and circumstances. There is no time and there are no conditions in which prayer is not necessary,not helpful, and not the right thing to do.


18 October 2008

Why did William Sidis, the world's (2nd) smartest human, achieve so little in life?


Dear Cecil:

Of course we all know you're the world's smartest human. However, I've heard about this guy, William James Sidis, who might have been the world's smartest person when he was alive. Harvard's youngest graduate, he was a lightning calculator and a linguistic genius, supposedly publishing papers anticipating the existence of black holes and other astronomical phenomena. On the other hand, he lived in obscurity, on the run from the law, and frankly most of his writings sound like gobbledygook to me, not that I'm any judge. For the world's smartest man, his name is conspicuously absent from my textbooks on science or philosophy. So, Cece baby, what's the straight dope? Was Sidis a misunderstood genius or a kook savant? --Dutch Courage, via the Internet, Youngstown, Ohio

Cecil replies:

Yeah, like there's a difference. All we know is that Sidis, celebrated as a prodigy in his youth, produced virtually nothing of consequence as an adult. One of his major contributions to world literature was a book about streetcar transfers, which a biographer described as "the most boring book ever written." A few have professed to find deep meaning in this work and believe Sidis's many unpublished writings would yield great truths if only we lesser folk (well, you lesser folk) had the wit to understand them. But the more common explanation is that he was a gifted lad who was pushed too far too fast.

Sidis was born April 1, 1898, to Russian Jewish immigrants to the U.S. From the evidence, Boris and Sarah Sidis were brilliant but neurotic--always a dangerous combination in parents. Determined to raise their son as a genius, the Sidises read him Greek myths, taught him to spell using alphabet blocks, etc. They claimed Billy spoke his first word at six months and was reading the New York Times at a year and a half. To my mind this tells you more about the parents than the kid, and many say the Sidises viewed their son more as a living experiment than as a child.

Sidis was later estimated to have an IQ in the 250-300 range, and while that's conjectural (hell, foolish--on what basis could the scale be run up that high?), there's little doubt that he was a very smart guy. He learned languages easily and had a knack for such stunts as mentally computing the day of the week for any date in history. At age eight he attracted national notice for sailing through high school and passing the MIT entrance exam. At 11 he became the second youngest student ever to enroll at Harvard. A few months later he gave a talk at the Harvard mathematics club on "Four-Dimensional Bodies" that in the opinion of fellow prodigy Norbert Wiener would have been impressive coming from a graduate student.

Things got a little rockier after that. Having graduated cum laude at age 16, Sidis entered Harvard Law School but dropped out before completing his degree. He took a job teaching mathematics at Rice University but was harassed by the students and quit after a short time. He flirted with leftist causes and was briefly in the news in 1919 after being arrested for his involvement in a socialist rally that turned into a riot.

After that, nothing. Estranged from his parents, Sidis worked for the rest of his life as a bookkeeper or at other jobs incommensurate with his talents. He seldom socialized, for that matter seldom bathed, and spent his off hours working on manuscripts on obscure subjects. The only book he published under his own name was The Animate and the Inanimate (1925), a philosophical work that his admirers claim anticipated the theory of black holes. In 1923 the newspapers gleefully reported that he was working as a $23-a-week clerk in New York City. The press paid him no further notice until 1937, when the New Yorker ran a piece entitled "April Fool" that poked fun at his lowly station. Sidis sued and eventually received a small settlement. He died in 1944.

Why someone of Sidis's talents achieved so little has been the subject of some debate. Some say he demonstrates the folly of pushing young geniuses too soon; others blame his nutty parents. He was rescued from anonymity by Robert M. Pirsig, author of the cult classic Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, who wrote about Sidis in his book Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals. He's now solidly ensconced in the pantheon of beings Too Smart for Their Own Good. Lord knows I've been there myself.



20 September 2008


Ibu saya adalah seorang yang sangat baik, sejak kecil, saya melihatnya
dengan begitu gigih menjaga keutuhan keluarga. Ia selalu bangun dini
hari, memasak bubur yang panas untuk ayah, karena lambung ayah tidak
baik, pagi hari hanya bisa makan bubur.
Setelah itu, masih harus memasak sepanci nasi untuk anak-anak, karena
anak-anak sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan, perlu makan nasi, dengan begitu
baru tidak akan lapar seharian di sekolah.

Setiap sore, ibu selalu membungkukkan nbadan menyikat panci, setiap
panci di rumah kami bisa dijadikan cermin, tidak ada noda sedikikt pun.
Menjelang malam, dengan giat ibu membersihkan lantai, mengepel seinci
demi seinci, lantai di rumah tampak lebih bersih dibanding sisi tempat
tidur orang lain, tiada debu sedikit pun meski berjalan dengan kaki

Ibu saya adalah seorang wanita yang sangat rajin.

Namun, di mata ayahku, ia (ibu) bukan pasangan yang baik.
Dalam proses pertumbuhan saya, tidak hanya sekali saja ayah selalu
menyatakan kesepiannya dalam perkawinan, tidak memahaminya.

Ayah saya adalah seorang laki-laki yang bertanggung jawab.
Ia tidak merokok, tidak minum-minuman keras, serius dalam pekerjaan,
setiap hari berangkat kerja tepat waktu, bahkan saat libur juga masih
mengatur jadwal sekolah anak-anak, mengatur waktu istrirahat anak-anak,
ia adalah seorang ayah yang penuh tanggung jawab, mendorong anak-anak
untuk berpretasi dalam pelajaran.

Ia suka main catur, suka larut dalam dunia buku-buku kuno.
Ayah saya adalah seoang laki-laki yang baik, di mata anak-anak, ia maha
besar seperti langit, menjaga kami, melindungi kami dan mendidik kami.

Hanya saja, di mata ibuku, ia juga bukan seorang pasangan yang baik,
dalam proses pertumbuhan saya, kerap kali saya melihat ibu menangis
terisak secara diam diam di sudut halaman.

Ayah menyatakannya dengan kata-kata, sedang ibu dengan aksi, menyatakan
kepedihan yang dijalani dalam perkawinan.
Dalam proses pertumbuhan, aku melihat juga mendengar ketidakberdayaan
dalam perkawinan ayah dan ibu, sekaligus merasakan betapa baiknya
mereka, dan mereka layak mendapatkan sebuah perkawinan yang baik.
Sayangnya, dalam masa-masa keberadaan ayah di dunia, kehidupan
perkawinan mereka lalui dalam kegagalan, sedangkan aku, juga tumbuh
dalam kebingungan, dan aku bertanya pada diriku sendiri : Dua orang yang
baik mengapa tidak diiringi dengan perkawinan yang bahagia?

Pengorbanan yang dianggap benar.

Setelah dewasa, saya akhirnya memasuki usia perkawinan, dan secara
perlahan -lahan saya pun mengetahui akan jawaban ini.
Di masa awal perkawinan, saya juga sama seperti ibu, berusaha menjaga
keutuhan keluarga, menyikat panci dan membersihkan lantai, dengan
sungguh-sungguh berusaha memelihara perkawinan sendiri.
Anehnya, saya tidak merasa bahagia ; dan suamiku sendiri, sepertinya
juga tidak bahagia.
Saya merenung, mungkin lantai kurang bersih, masakan tidak enak, lalu,
dengan giat saya membersihkan lantai lagi, dan memasak dengan sepenuh

Namun, rasanya, kami berdua tetap saja tidak bahagia. .
Hingga suatu hari, ketika saya sedang sibuk membersihkan lantai, suami
saya berkata : istriku, temani aku sejenak mendengar alunan musik!
Dengan mimik tidak senang saya berkata : apa tidak melihat masih ada
separoh lantai lagi yang belum di pel ?
Begitu kata-kata ini terlontar, saya pun termenung, kata-kata yang
sangat tidak asing di telinga, dalam perkawinan ayah dan ibu saya, ibu
juga kerap berkata begitu sama ayah.

Saya sedang mempertunjukkan kembali perkawinan ayah dan ibu, sekaligus
mengulang kembali ketidakbahagiaan dalam perkwinan mereka.
Ada beberapa kesadaran muncul dalam hati saya.

Yang kamu inginkan ?

Saya hentikan sejenak pekerjaan saya, lalu memandang suamiku, dan
teringat akan ayah saya...
Ia selalu tidak mendapatkan pasangan yang dia inginkan dalam
Waktu ibu menyikat panci lebih lama daripada menemaninya.
Terus menerus mengerjakan urusan rumah tangga, adalah cara ibu dalam
mempertahankan perkawinan, ia memberi ayah sebuah rumah yang bersih,
namun, jarang menemaninya, sibuk mengurus rumah, ia berusaha mencintai
ayah dengan caranya, dan cara ini adalah mengerjakan urusan rumah

Dan aku, aku juga menggunakan caraku berusaha mencintai suamiku.
cara saya juga sama seperti ibu, perkawinan saya sepertinya tengah
melangkah ke dalam sebuah cerita, dua orang yang baik mengapa tidak
diiringi dengan perkawinan yang bahagia.

Kesadaran saya membuat saya membuat keputusan (pilihan) yang sama.

Saya hentikan sejenak pekerjaan saya, lalu duduk di sisi suami,
menemaninya mendengar musik, dan dari kejauhan, saat memandangi kain pel
di atas lantai seperti menatapi nasib ibu.
Saya bertanya pada suamiku : apa yang kau butuhkan ?

Aku membutuhkanmu untuk menemaniku mendengar musik, rumah kotor sedikit
tidak apa-apa-lah, nanti saya carikan pembantu untukmu, dengan begitu
kau bisa menemaniku! ujar suamiku.

Saya kira kamu perlu rumah yang bersih, ada yang memasak untukmu, ada
yang mencuci pakianmu....dan saya mengatakan sekaligus serentetan
hal-hal yang dibutuhkannya.
Semua itu tidak penting-lah!ujar suamiku. Yang paling kuharapkan adalah
kau bisa lebih sering menemaniku.
Ternyata sia-sia semua pekerjaan yang saya lakukan, hasilnya benar-benar
membuat saya terkejut.
Kami meneruskan menikamti kebutuhan masing-masing, dan baru saya sadari
ternyata dia juga telah banyak melakukan pekerjaan yang sia-sia, kami
memiliki cara masing-masing bagaimana mencintai, namun, bukannya cara
pihak kedua.

Jalan kebahagiaan
Sejak itu, saya menderetkan sebuah daftar kebutuhan suami, dan
meletakkanya di atas meja buku,
Begitu juga dengan suamiku, dia juga menderetkan sebuah daftar
Puluhan kebutuhan yang panjang lebar dan jelas, seperti misalnya, waktu
senggang menemani pihak kedua mendengar musik, saling memeluk kalau
sempat, setiap pagi memberi sentuhan selamat jalan bila berangkat.

Beberapa hal cukup mudah dilaksanakan, tapi ada juga yang cukup sulit,
misalnya dengarkan aku, jangan memberi komentar.
Ini adalah kebutuhan suami. Kalau saya memberinya usul, dia bilang akan
merasa dirinya akan tampak seperti orang bodoh.
Menurutku, ini benar-benar masalah gengsi laki-laki.
Saya juga meniru suami tidak memberikan usul, kecuali dia bertanya pada
saya, kalau tidak saya hanya boleh mendengar dengan serius, menurut
sampai tuntas, demikian juga ketika salah jalan.

Bagi saya ini benar-benar sebuah jalan yang sulit dipelajari, namun,
jauh lebih santai daripada mengepel, dan dalam kepuasan kebutuhan kami
ini, perkawinan yang kami jalani juga kian hari semakin penuh daya
Saat saya lelah, saya memilih beberapa hal yang gampang dikerjakan,
misalnya menyetel musik ringan, dan kalau lagi segar bugar merancang
perjalanan keluar kota.

Menariknya, pergi ke taman flora adalah hal bersama dan kebutuhan kami,
setiap ada pertikaian, selalu pergi ke taman flora, dan selalu bisa
menghibur gejolak hati masing-masing.

Sebenarnya, kami saling mengenal dan mencintai juga dikarenakan kesukaan
kami pada taman flora, lalu bersama kita menapak ke tirai merah
perkawinan, kembali ke taman bisa kembali ke dalam suasana hati yang
saling mencintai bertahun-tahun silam.

Bertanya pada pihak kedua : apa yang kau inginkan, kata-kata ini telah
menghidupkan sebuah jalan kebahagiaan lain dalam perkawinan. Keduanya
akhirnya melangkah ke jalan bahagia.

Kini, saya tahu kenapa perkawinan ayah ibu tidak bisa bahagia, mereka
terlalu bersikeras menggunakan cara sendiri dalam mencintai pihak kedua,
bukan mencintai pasangannya dengan cara pihak kedua.

Diri sendiri lelahnya setengah mati, namun, pihak kedua tidak dapat
merasakannya, akhirnya ketika menghadapi penantian perkawinan, hati ini
juga sudah kecewa dan hancur.
Karena Tuhan telah menciptakan perkawinan, maka menurut saya, setiap
orang pantas dan layak memiliki sebuah perkawinan yang bahagia, asalkan
cara yang kita pakai itu tepat, menjadi orang yang dibutuhkan pihak
kedua! Bukannya memberi atas keinginan kita sendiri, perkawinan yang
baik, pasti dapat diharapkan.


16 September 2008

Subject: Effort and simplicity

Quote 1:
Ever hear the story of the giant ship engine that failed?
The ship's owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could
figure out how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who
had been fixing ships since he was a youngster. He carried a large bag
of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work.

He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom. Two of the ship's
owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do.
After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled
out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine
lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was

A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten
thousand dollars. "What?" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did
anything!" So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an
itemized bill."

The man sent a bill that read:

Tapping with a hammer $2.00
Knowing where to tap $9998.00

Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your life
makes all the difference.

Quote 2:
One of the most memorable case studies I came across on Japanese
management was the case of the empty soap box, which happened in one of
Japan's biggest cosmetics companies. The company received a complaint
that a consumer had bought a soap box that was empty.

Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to the assembly line,
which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery
department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly line

Management asked its engineers to solve the problem. The engineers
worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with high-resolution monitors
manned by two people to watch all the soap boxes that passed through the
line to make sure they were not empty. No doubt, they worked hard and
fast but they have to spend many hours looking at boxes.

But when a rank-and-file employee in a small company was posed with the
same problem? He did not get into complications of X-rays, etc. but
instead came out with another solution. He bought a strong industrial
electric fan and pointed it at the assembly line. He switched the fan
on, and as each soap box passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes
out of the line.

Devise the simplest possible solution that solves the problem. Learn
to focus on solutions not on problems. Be simple, solve simply.


12 September 2008


JAMBU BIJI (Psidium guajava L.) mengandung berbagai zat gizi yang dapat digunakan sebagai obat. Menurut catatan Parimin S.P. dalam Jambu Biji: Budi Daya dan Ragam Pemanfaatannya (Penebar Swadaya, 2007), dalam tiap 100 gram jambu biji masak segar terdapat 0,9 g protein, 0,3 g lemak, 12,2 g karbohidrat, 14 mg kalsium, 28 mg fosfor, 1,1 mg besi, 25 SI vitamin A, 0,02 mg vitamin B1, 87 mg vitamin C, dan 86 g air, dengan total kalori sebanyak 49 kalori. Kandungan vitamin C jambu biji dua kali lipat jeruk manis yang hanya 49 mg per 100 g buah. Vitamin C itu terkonsentrasi pada kulit dan daging bagian luarnya yang lunak dan tebal.

Kandungan vitamin C jambu biji
memuncak saat menjelang matang. Kandungan vitamin C pada jambu biji sanggup memenuhi kebutuhan harian anak berusia 13-20 tahun yang mencapai> 80-100 mg per hari, atau kebutuhan vitamin C harian orang dewasa yang mencapai 70-75 mg per hari. Dengan demikian, sebutir jambu biji dengan berat 275 g per buah dapat mencukupi kebutuhan harian akan vitamin C pada tiga orang dewasa atau dua anak-anak. Turunkan Kolesterol Jambu biji juga kaya serat, khususnya pektin (serat larut air). Manfaat pektin antara lain menurunkan kolesterol dengan cara mengikat kolesterol dan asam empedu dalam tubuh serta membantu mengeluarkannya. Penelitian yang dilakukan Singh Medical Hospital and Research Center Morrabad, India , menunjukkan bahwa jambu biji dapat menurunkan kadar kolestreol total dan trigliserida darah serta tekanan
darah pada penderita hipertensi. Ada pun tanin yang menimbulkan rasa sepat pada jambu biji bermanfaat memperlancar sistem pencernaan dan sirkulasi darah, serta menyerang virus. Kalium yang terkandung pada buah ini berfungsi meningkatkan keteraturan denyut jantung, mengaktifkan kontraksi otot, mengatur pengiriman zat gizi ke sel tubuh, serta menurunkan kadar kolesterol total dan tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi). Menurut penelitian, memakan jambu biji 0,5-1 kg/hari selama empat minggu, risiko terkena sakit jantung dapat berkurang hingga 16. persen. Dalam jambu biji juga ditemukan likopen, yaitu zat karotenoid (pigmen penting dalam tanaman) yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan, sehingga bermanfaat memberikan perlindungan pada tubuh dari serangan beberapa jenis kanker. Dalam jambu biji merah, kandungan likopen
ini tersedia dalam jumlah melimpah. Kemudian daun jambu biji yang juga sering dimanfaatkan sebagai obat, diketahui mengandung tanin, eugenol (minyak asiri), minyak lemak, damar, zat samak, triterpinoid, dan asam apfel. Biji jambu mengandung 14 persen minyak atsiri, 15 persen protein, dan 13 persen tepung. Untuk catatan, jambu biji juga punya nama sebutan lain. Di antaranya glima breueh, glimeu beru, galiman, masiambu, biawas, jambu biawas, jambu batu (Sumatera); jambu klutuk, jambu krutuk, jhambu bhender, bayawas, tetokal, tokal (Jawa); jambu klutuk (Sunda); kojabas (Nusa Tenggara); kayawese (Maluku); fan shi liu gan (Cina). Ragam Pemanfaatan Menurut dokumentasi Parimin S.P. dan PDII-LIPI, di berbagai tempat, jambu biji lazim digunakan sebagai pengobatan dengan penyajian sebagai berikut:
Penguat jantung, membantu sistem pencernaan, dan antikanker Jus jambu biji 200 ml Jus apel 400 ml Jus melon 200 ml Madu murni 100 cc Blender semua bahan sampai halus kemudian simpan di lemari pendingin. Minum secara teratur setiap pagi dan sore masing-masing 300 cc. Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) Ramuan 1: Jambu biji matang dan mengkal 3 buah dicuci bersih. Jambu yang sudah matang diblender sampai halus lalu> disaring sehingga diperoleh jus jambu biji. Jus jambu biji diminum tiga kali sehari sampai DBD sembuh. Buah yang mengkal dimakan langsung bersama kulitnya. Biji buah tidak perlu ikut dimakan. Ramuan 2: Daun jambu biji segar 1 kg dicuci bersih, kemudian dipotong kecil-kecil (rajang). Blender dengan air secukupnya hingga halus. Sari ng dan endapkan, sehingga ekstrak daun terpisah dengan air. Oven
ekstrak daun tersebut agar tahan lama. Cara pemakaian: - Masukkan ekstrak ke dalam kapsul lalu minum dua kali sehari, setiap pagi dan sore. - Minum ekstrak daun bersama sirop jambu biji dengan takaran 1 sendok teh untuk 1/2 liter sirop yang diencerkan. Minum secara teratur sampai keluhan sembuh. Diare Ramuan 1: Daun jambu biji 30 gr ditambah segenggam tepung beras direbus dengan 1-2 gelas air. Larutan diminum 2 kali sehari.. Ramuan 2: Tiga lembar daun jambu biji muda segar dikunyah dengan sedikit garam, lalu ditelan. Lakukan sehari 2 kali. Ramuan 3: Enam lembar daun jambu biji dicuci bersih lalu ditumbuk sambil diberi 1 cangkir air matang, peras, minum airnya. Cukup untuk diminum 2 kali sehari. Minum air perasannya. Lakukan setiap hari secara teratur, sampai benar-benar sembuh.
Maag Dela pan helai daun jambu biji dicuci, rebus dengan 1,5 liter air. Minum 3 kali sehari. Disentri Siapkan akar daun jambu biji secukupnya dan daun jambu 10 lembar. Potong-potong akar dan daun, cuci bersih, lalu rebus dengan air secukupnya selama 20 menit pada suhu 90 derajat Celsius. Sari ng air rebusan lalu minum secukupnya secara teratur sampai keluhan hilang. Luka Tiga pucuk daun jambu biji dicuci, kunyah sampai lumat. Tempelkan pada luka. Kandungan astringent-nya dapat menghentikan perdarahan. Keputihan Dua genggam daun jambu biji muda dan 7 helai daun sirih dicuci, rebus dengan segelas air, saring. Tunggu agak dingin lalu minum. Cukup untuk diminum 2 kali sehari. Perut kembung pada anak Tiga helai daun jambu biji, 2 cm kulit batang pulasari, 5 butir adas direbus dengan 1,5 gelas air sampai airnya tinggal setengah, saring. Minum 3 kali sehari. Dosis untuk anak di bawah umur 3 tahun sesendok makan, di atas 3 tahun 2 sendok makan. Sakit kulit Ramuan 1: Segenggam daun jambu biji muda dan 7 kuntum bunga> jambu biji dicuci, lumatkan sampai halus. Gosokkan pada kulit yang sakit. Ramuan 2: Daun jambu biji segar 500 gram dipotong-potong lalu direbus dengan air panas 90 derajat Celsius selama 20 menit. Sari ng air rebusan lalu gunakan untuk mandi selagi airnya masih hangat. Lakukan secara teratur sampai penyakit kulit hilang. Diabetes Satu buah jambu biji yang masih mengkal dipotong-potong, rebus dengan 3 gelas air hingga tinggal 1 gelas, saring. Minum 2 kali sehari. Beser (sering buang air kecil) Tiga pucuk daun jambu biji dicuci,
lalap dengan sedikit garam dan merica. Makan setiap siang dan malam selama 2 hari. Sariawan Ramuan 1: Rebus 1 genggam daun jambu biji segar ditambah 1 jari kulit batangnya dengan 1 liter air, saring. Minum 2 kali sehari. Ramuan 2: Daun jambu biji muda 2 lembar, daun sirih segar 1 lembar, daun saga segar satu genggam dicuci sampai bersih. Tumbuk semua bahan sampai halus lalu tambahkan air. Peras> adonan itu lalu gunakan airnya untuk kumur-kumur 2-3 kali sehari. Luka berdarah atau borok di sekitar tulang Lumatkan daun jambu biji segar, tempelkan di tempat yang sakit. Lakukan beberapa kali sehari. Ambeien Ramuan 1: Daun jambu biji muda atau pucuknya dan sebuah pisang batu dicuci, lalu ditumbuk. Minum air perasannya. Lakukan setiap hari secara teratur, sampai benar-benar
sembuh. Ramuan 2: Buah jambu biji segar 500 gram direbus menggunakan air secukupnya hingga menjadi cairan kental.. Oleskan cairan itu ke bagian tubuh yang sakit.


25 August 2008

Important Tips

Answer the phone by LEFT ear .
Do not drink coffee TWICE a day.
Do not take pills with COOL water .
Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm.
Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume.
Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night.
Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS .
Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time.
Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning.
Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping.
When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times.


20 August 2008

drink warm water after eating

This Article very good. Not only hitting to drink warm water after eating, but also about heart attack. Is sensible... Japanesse people and Chineses people drink hot tea with their food, non cool water. Possible the up for habit adaptation us drink warm water like them.
Not Lossy but nice for liking drink cool water, this article suited for you. Delicious is true to drink cool by]beverage cup after eating. But, cool water will harden oily food which is just eaten. And slow down digestion of food. When this sediment react with stomach acid, sediment will be broken and permeated by quicker intestine than solid food. This will fulfill intestine. Just, this will turn into fat and can result cancer. Best drink or eating hot soup or warm water after eating.

Serious note about heart attack:
Do not all heart attack symptom is pain at left arm. Allert if there is feeling continuous pain at face. Possible we will not experience of to feel first chest pain on the happening of heart attack him. Feel queasy and abundant sweat also symptom which is common to be met. 60% from them which is hit by heart attack when sleep do not be woke up.
Feel pain in face can rouse us of dead sleep. Take a care and allert. More and more soybean cake us, progressively goodness opportunity of us to safe. Read, this can save your life Become real friend and deliver this article.

Enjoying your day and take care


14 August 2008

Shredder Your Files

Hello friends...

Do you want secure your files with permananent deleted and cleaning your history activity. Please use this software... Windows Washer or you can try this one
ArchiCrypt Shredder3. enjoy it.!


22 July 2008

SEX Education

Untuk Pasangan muda, yang lagi hot-hot nya
dan sedang mabuk asmara, cobalah panduan seksual education ini .....
Download Link di bawah ini ..!!!!

Kamasutra 1
Kamasutra 2
Kamasutra 3
Kamasutra 4

Hanya untuk education, not for sale....
enjoy your reading and fantasy.... :)


09 July 2008

Tips on Filling your Vehicles...

This is a message received from a friend :

I don't know what you guys are paying for petrol... but here in Durban, we are also paying higher, up to 47.35 per litre. But my line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every litre. Here at the Marian Hill Pipeline, where I work in Durban, we deliver about 4 million litres in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline. One day is diesel; the next day is jet fuel, and petrol, LRP and Unleaded. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 litres.


Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground, the denser the fuel, when it gets warmer petrol expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening.... your litre is not exactly a litre... In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the petrol, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products play an important role. A 1degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.


If you look, you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode, you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapours that are created, while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapour return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapour. Those vapours are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.


The reason for this is, the more fuel you have in your tank, the less air occupying its empty space. Petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine. Petroleum storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated, so that every litre is actually the exact amount.

ANOTHER REMINDER, IF THERE IS A FUEL TRUCK PUMPING INTO THE STORAGE TANKS, WHEN YOU STOP TO BUY, DO NOT FILL UP - most likely the petrol/diesel is being stirred up as the fuel is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.

Hope, this will help you get the maximum value for your money.



Subject: Problems with my new computer

Dear Mr. Bill Gates,
We have bought a computer for our home and we have found some problems,
which I want to bring to your notice:

1. There is a button 'start' but there is no 'stop' button. We request you
to check this.

2. We find there is 'Run' in the menu. We request you to change that to
'sit', so that we can click that by sitting.

3. One doubt is whether any 're-scooter' is available in system? I find only
're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home.

4. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lost the
door key and we tried a lot trace the key with this ' find' button, but was
unable to trace. Please rectify this problem.

5. My child learnt 'Microsoft word' now he wants to learn 'Microsoft
sentence', so when you will provide that?

6. I bought computer, CPU, mouse and keyboard, but there is only one icon
which shows 'My Computer'; when you will provide the remaining items?

7. It is surprising that windows says 'My Pictures' but there is not even a
photo of mine. So when will you keep my photo in that.

8. There is 'MICROSOFT OFFICE' what about 'MICROSOFT HOME' since I use the
PC at home only.

9. You provided 'My Recent Documents'. When you will provide 'My Past

10. You provide 'My Network Places'. For God sake please do not provide 'My
Secret Places'. I do not want to let my wife know where I go after my office



Last one to Mr Bill Gates :
Sir, how is it that your name is Gates but you are selling WINDOWS?????



Masih sekitar manfaat minum air.
Semoga kita sehat semuanya.

It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.

Di Jepang sekarang ini sangat popular sekali trend minum air segera setelah Bangun pagi. Apalagi, test ilmiah telah membuktikan keampuhannya. Kami memberikan deskripsi penggunaan air kepada pembaca kami dibawah ini. Terapi air ini telah dibuktikan sukses oleh kumpulan pengobatan Jepang untuk penyakit lama dan serius dan juga penyakit moderen. Penyakit-penyakit tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
Sakit kepala, sakit badan, system jantung, arthritis, detak jantung cepat, epilepsi, kelebihan berat badan, asma bronchitis, penyakit ginjal dan urin, muntah-muntah, asam lambung, diare, diabetes, susah buang air besar, semua penyakit mata, rahim, kanker, datang bulan lancar, dan penyakit telinga, hidung dan kerongkongan.

1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.


1. Setelah anda Bangun pagi sebelum mengosok gigi, minum 4 x 160 gelas air
2. Gosok dan bersihkan mulut tetapi jangan makan ataupun minum apapun selama 45
3. Setelah 45 menit anda boleh makan dan minum seperti biasa
4. Setelah 15 menit sarapan, makan siang dan makan malam, jangan makan ataupun minum
apapun selama 2 jam
5. Untuk anda yang tua ataupun sakit dan tidak dapat minum 4 gelas air pada saat
mulai bisa digantikan dengan meminum sedikit air terlebih dahulu dan kemudian
ditingkatkan secara berkala hingga 4 gelas per hari.
6. Metode diatas adalah terapi untuk mengobati penyakit dari orang yang sakit dan
orang lain dapat menikmati hidup yang sehat.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days)
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st
week, and from 2nd week onwards - daily.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.

Daftar berikut adalah jumlah hari yang dibutuhkan untuk terapi pengobatan/control/mengurangi penyakit utama:
1. Tekanan darah tinggi (30 hari)
2. Asam lambung (10 hari)
3. Diabetes (30 hari)
4. Susah buang air besar/konstipasi (10 hari)
5. Kanker (180 hari)
6. Tuberculosis (90 hari)
7. Pasien arthritis disarankan untuk mengikuti terapi diatas ini hanya 3 hari pada
minggu pertama dan dari minggu kedua dan seterusnya - setiap hari

Metode pengobatan ini tidak mempunyai efek samping, tetapi pada saat pelaksanaan pengobatan ini anda mungkin akan buang air beberapa kali.

It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.

Adalah lebih baik jika kita melanjutkan terapi ini dan menjadikan prosedur ini sebagai rutinitas kerja dalam kehidupan kita. Minum air dan tetap sehat dan aktif.

This makes sense ... The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals ..not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...

Hal ini masuk akal.... Orang Cina dan Jepang minum the hangat pada saat makan mereka ... bukan air dingin. Mungkin sudah waktunya kita mengadopsi kebiasaan minum mereka sewaktu makan !!! Tidak ada ruginya…

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.

Untuk yang suka minum air dingin, artikel ini mungkin berguna untuk anda. Adalah enak untuk minum minuman dingin setelah makan. Bagaimanapun, air dingin akan memadatkan minyak yang anda konsumsi. Ia akan memperlambat pencernaan.

Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

Sekali "kotoran" ini bereaksi dengan asam, ia akan dipecah dan diserap oleh intestine lebih cepat daripada makanan padat. Ia akan berbaris dalam usus besar. Dengan cepat, ini akan berubah menjadi lemak dan menjadi pemicu kanker. Adalah sangat bagus untuk minum sup hangat ataupun air hangat setelah makan.

A serious note about heart attacks:
Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting, Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...

Pesan yang serius untuk serangan jantung:
Wanita seharusnya tahu jika tidak semua simptom serangan jantung adalah sakit pada lengan kiri. Berhati-hatilah terhadap sakit yang sangat pada garis rahang
Kamu mungkin tidak pernah merasakan sakit pertama pada dada selama serangan jantung
Pusing dan keringat berlebihan merupakan simptom pada umumnya.
60% dari orang mengalami serangan jantung ketika mereka sedang tidur tetapi tidak bangun lagi. Sakit pada rahang dapat membangunkan anda dari tidur yang lelap. Mari berhati-hati dan sadar. Makin banyak kita tahu, kesempatan bertahan hidup menjadi lebih besar

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.

Seorang ahli jantung berkata jika semua orang yang mendapatkan email ini melanjutkan pengiriman kepada semua orang yang mereka kenal, anda akan bisa pastikan kita akan menyelamatkan setidaknya satu nyawa.

Please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about

Marilah menjadi teman yang terbaik dan kirim artikel ini kepada seluruh teman yang anda perduli.



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10 April 2008

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05 April 2008

Money Booker

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04 April 2008


I only know the names of two angels, Hark and Harold.
~~~Gregory, 5

Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it.
~~~Olive, 9

It's not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to Heaven, and then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes.
~~~Matthew, 9

Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else.
~~~Mitchell, 7

My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science.
~~~Henry, 8

Angels don't eat , but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!! ---> I think this is the FUNNIEST of all HA HA HA HA HA...
~~~Jack, 6

Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead.
~~~Daniel, 9

When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath, somewhere there's a tornado.
~~~Reagan, 10

Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an angel comes in through you r window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, angels go south for the winter.
~~~Sara, 6

Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter.
~~~Jared, 8

All angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn't go for it.
~~~Antonio, 9

My angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head start on helping me while she was still down here on earth.
~~~ Lynn , 9

Some of the angels are in charge of helping heal sick animals and pets. And if they don't make the animals get better, they help the child get over it.
~~~Vicki, 8

What I don't get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them.
~~~ Sarah, 7


03 April 2008

Body Signal

Anda pasti pernah mengalami kedutan, cegukan atau kuping berdenging. Sayangnya, sebagian besar dari Anda seringkali mengabaikan tanda-tanda tubuh tersebut. Padahal menurut dr. Karen Wolfe, penulis buku Create The Body Your Soul Desires, mengatakan bahwa tubuh yang mengalami kedutan atau cegukan bisa menjadi pertanda bahwa tubuh Anda sedang mengalami gangguan ringan. Namun meskipun gangguan tersebut tergolong ringan, tidak berarti Anda harus mengabaikannya. Sebab, dengan memahami 'sinyal' yang diberikan oleh tubuh diharapkan Anda dapat lebih peduli pada tubuh sehingga tubuh menjadi lebih sehat.

Kedutan pada kelopak mata
Gerakan tak sadar yang diberikan oleh bagian tubuh Anda ini menandakan bahwa tubuh Anda kurang beristirahat dan tidur. Bahkan para ahli kesehatan sepakat, 99% kekejangan pada mata disebabkan karena tubuh Anda didera stres dan lelah yang amat sangat. Tak ada cara lain yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk menghentikan kedutan pada mata ini selain membiarkan tubuh dan mata Anda untuk beristirahat. Mengompres mata Anda dengan air hangat untuk beberapa saat juga sangat membantu.

Menguap terus
Menguap tidak selalu berarti mengantuk. Menguap, juga merupakan sinyal dari alam bawah sadar Anda bahwa tubuh Anda kurang bergerak. Misalnya, Anda terlalu serius bekerja sehingga menghabiskan lebih dari lima jam duduk di depan komputer. Terlalu banyak menguap bisa juga berarti bahwa oksigen di dalam otak Anda sedang menurun jumlahnya. Hati-hati, kondisi ini bisa menurunkan tingkat kewaspadaan serta kosentrasi Anda terhadap pekerjaan dan lingkungan di sekitar Anda.

Anda cegukan padahal Anda tidak sedang makan apapun. Kondisi ini menjadi sinyal bahwa tubuh Anda sedang mengalami stres. Hal ini karena cegukan melepaskan hormon stres ke dalam aliran darah, kemudian merangsang serat saraf secara berlebihan. Akibatnya, terjadi kontraksi otot tak sadar yang terletak di d eka t pita suara sehingga menimbulkan bunyi. Cara termudah untuk meredakan cegukan Anda adalah dengan cara menelan sedikit gula pasir. Butiran gula pasir akan menstimulir ujung saraf di balik kerongkongan sehingga menghambat impuls saraf lainnya, sehingga cegukan pun reda.

Kaki kram
Apakah Anda sering mengalami kaki kram secara intens setiap malam? Kram kaki merupakan sinyal tubuh yang mengisyaratkan bahwa tubuh Anda sedang mengalami dehidrasi, kekurangan kalsium dan magnesium. Untuk mengatasinya adalah minumlah air putih lebih banyak dari biasanya. Susu kalsium juga sangat disarankan.




What should I do to marry a rich guy?

young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:

I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year. I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York . My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you? Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden , $250k annual income is not enough.

I'm here humbly to ask a few questions:

1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)

2) Which age group should I target?

3) Why most wives of the riches is only average-looking? I've met a few girls who don’t have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys

4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (My target now is to get married)

Ms. Pretty

Here's a reply from a Wall Street Financial guy:

Dear Ms. Pretty,

I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyze your situation as a professional investor. My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I'm not wasting time here.

From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain. Put the details aside, what you're trying to do is an exchange of beauty and money: Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square. However, there's a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can't be prettier year after year. Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It's not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worried 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a trading position. If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or leased. Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps. If you are interested in leasing services, do contact me.


J.P. Morgan


17 March 2008

The "I" Tag

Virgie passed me this tag...

I AM…........ a woman
I WANT….. build a school
I HAVE…... so many things plan
I HATE....... rainy
I FEAR….... miscommunication
I SEARCH… for more money to success my planed
I WONDER.. if our plan will push thru, i wish...
I DANCE.......left and right and shake my body
I SING….......amazing grace
I money not enough.
I WRITE…...anything that interests me
I WON..........a competition of life
I AM CONFUSED… about money.
I NEED…................. more energy to do all these tasks.
I SHOULD… thankful and grateful.

I want to pass this on to: Nancy, Pinkchonixx,Standing In The Mirror and Blog Party


14 March 2008

Working for a litte bit money

This is that other Indonesia people who always working by them self, they are used tool like that to bring a little bit money. I always proud what they are conduct.any of money which can be strived can answer the demand life of them.


Fires Again Ravage Indonesia's Forests

Asia: Farmers, timber companies set blazes to clear land
Haze threatens region already in economic crisis
Los Angeles Times
March 23, 1998
The fastest way to clear a rain forest for agriculture—or paradoxically, for timber production—is to burn it. Despite the fact that the devastating environmental impacts of burning have prompted bans on the practice, it is still widespread. In the drought-primed fall of 1997, environmentalists’ worst fears were realized when deliberately set fires spread out of control in Indonesia. The fires destroyed large areas of one of the last great rain forests on earth and blanketed Southeast Asia with a debilitating haze. In this Los Angeles Times article, journalist David Lamb reports on the resurgence of the Indonesian fires in spring 1998, their impact, and the political and economic reasons behind the fires.
By David Lamb
SAMARINDA, Indonesia — The man-made Indonesian fires that blanketed Southeast Asia last autumn with clouds of choking haze are burning again, raising the specter that another environmental disaster looms just ahead.
When that earlier haze—a regional euphemism for fire-caused pollution—swept over Southeast Asia, it closed airports, crippled tourism and caused serious health problems. Now, in every direction, flames and tufts of smoke are rising from the scorched and smoldering earth, and, acre by acre, one of the world's last great rain forests is being eaten away, leaving one German forest-management expert to comment: "We are at the point of no return."
On Sunday [March 22, 1998], the Suara Pembaruan newspaper in the capital, Jakarta, reported that smoke from the fires has caused 297 cases of pneumonia and that two people have died.
Here on the road to Balikpapan, the flames are no bigger than those from the coals of a barbecue grill, but they have given the drought-ravaged land an eerie reddish glow and, whipped to and fro by hot, heavy winds, have crept to the very doorstep of Omar Kamorusn's one-room wooden home.
"Of course I worry we will burn," he said. "But what can we do to stop it? Our nearest water is an hour's walk. My only equipment is a rake and shovel. But this is nothing new. We have fires every year. They are how we live."
If he didn't set fires, the 46-year-old Kamorusn said, there would be no way to clear the land for his crops of rice and peppercorn. He knows that the government has forbidden burning, but his family has been doing it for generations. And, when the land is less dry, the fires can be controlled with ditches and firebreaks.
He added, "If we do not burn, we do not eat."
In Samarinda, German environmentalists tracking the brush fires through satellite images have pinpointed 1,000 blazes here on the island of Borneo. Some were set by peasant farmers such as Kamorusn. But the majority, the Germans say, are on land leased by powerful timber companies—many with ties to the top levels of the Indonesian government—that still use slash-and-burn techniques as the fastest, cheapest way to convert rain forests into timber estates and palm-oil plantations.
Indonesia has more than 10% of the world's rain forests, and 40% of Asia's. And each year, says the international environmental organization Earth Action, the nation is destroying an area larger than Lebanon. Only Brazil's rain forests are disappearing at a faster rate.
One of the world's largest exporters of wood products, Indonesia desperately needs its logging income, particularly with its current economic crisis. Although the government has forbidden clearing land by fire, and some government officials have shown concern about the impact of fire and haze, the timber companies' links to the regime of President Suharto make corrective action difficult.
"The government has the exact coordinates of every fire and would like to make an example by closing down one of the companies," said Ludwig Shindler, a German fire-management expert. "But a lot of companies are protected and can't be touched, for obvious reasons."
Last year, 160 Indonesian companies were accused of culpability. Only 46 were fully investigated, and only five will be prosecuted. In Malaysia, the government fined 17 companies for ignoring a no-burn policy. Their collective penalty amounted to $8,000.
Among the companies accused last year of torching Indonesia's East Kalimantan province on Borneo was a subsidiary of Astra International, which is run by Mohammed "Bob" Hasan, Indonesia's timber tycoon and a member of Suharto's new Cabinet. He rejected criticism that the timber companies have been reckless.
"We want to develop our country on a sustainable basis," Hasan told the BBC. "But sometimes, NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] come in and say you are violating environmental rules … human rights." He rejected the accusations as the work of Communists.
The latest outbreak of fires, coming after last year's blazes were finally extinguished by seasonal rains, raises the threat that Southeast Asia, already laboring under a regionwide economic downturn, will have to endure another season of debilitating haze. It is a threat that could have political as well as economic repercussions.
Towns around Samarinda are already on red alert, and some days the haze is thick enough to close roads and reduce visibility to 60 feet. The Malaysian city of Kuching on Borneo recorded an air pollution index reading of 400 recently—four times what is considered unhealthy. When the prevailing winds blow toward the north in April or May, the haze could again be blown into Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines and peninsular Malaysia.
Malaysia is especially concerned. It has invested $520 million to host the Commonwealth Games in September, and a repeat of last year's haze could keep tourists away in droves and result in health problems for athletes.
And Singapore, among others, fears that if, as now seems likely, haze has become part of Indonesia's foreign policy and one of its exports, the regional economic recovery that is just taking hold in some countries will be seriously set back.
"If we do not help them [Indonesians], the economic losses to us and the entire region are tremendous," Singapore's environment minister, Yeo Cheow Tong, said. "Whatever we can spend to help will be money well spent."
In many ways, Western political analysts say, the region's financial crisis and the return of the fires stem from the same root: an unwillingness to enforce stringent regulations that apply to everyone, not just to those who have no links to the top levels of government. The fires, the analysts say, have just one underlying cause—poor forest management.
Environment ministers of the Assn. of Southeast Asian Nations have reacted more quickly to the latest rash of fires than they did to the disaster last year. Meeting in Kuching [on the Malaysian Island of Borneo] last month, they adopted measures calling on Malaysia to focus on fire prevention, Singapore to concentrate on satellite monitoring and Indonesia to stick to fighting the fires.
The problem is that Indonesia has no effective means to battle the blazes. Its effort to induce rain by using three planes for cloud-seeding proved futile, and its handful of tanker trucks is only useful fighting fires along roadsides. A crash program is underway to train 1,000 soldiers as firefighters.
But such steps may prove meaningless without new governmental directions. With Indonesia's population growing by 2 million a year, the government's official policy is to convert more than 40 million acres of rain forest to farmland and living space by 2020.
Source: Los Angeles Times. March 23, 1998.


More Languages In Indonesia

About 300 languages and dialects are spoken in Indonesia, but Bahasa Indonesia is the official and most widely spoken tongue. Its common use has helped unify the country since independence in 1949. Bahasa Indonesia is based on Malay, long the market language of coastal towns, and it contains elements of Chinese, Indian, Dutch, and English. In 1972 Indonesia and Malaysia, where the Malay-based Bahasa Malaysia is the official language, agreed on a revised and uniform system for spelling Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia. Today, television programs, major newspapers, schools, and universities all use Bahasa Indonesia.
Other languages are also widely used, and many Indonesians speak two or more languages. These languages, as well as Bahasa Indonesia, belong mainly to the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian languages family. They include Javanese, with more than 80 million speakers, and Sundanese, spoken by residents of the western end of Java. Acehnese, Batak, Minangkabau, and Malay are spread throughout Sumatra. Among the languages spoken on Sulawesi are Minahasan, dialects of Torajan, Buginese, and Makassarese. On the eastern islands, Balinese, Sasak (Lombok), and Sumbawan are spoken. The people of Kalimantan speak Malay dialects, Iban, and other dialects. Trans-New Guinea and West Papuan languages are spoken in Papua and in the northern parts of Maluku. English is in growing use as the language of business, while older people who were educated in Dutch schools before independence occasionally use Dutch.


12 March 2008

Badminton in Indonesia

In the city of Solo on the Indonesian island of Java, the town square is a smooth dirt surface illuminated by blue fluorescent lights hanging from electrical cords. Every day, from morning to midnight, townspeople sit on easy chairs and watch players whack a small object made of cork, goat leather, and goose feathers back and forth with flimsy-looking rackets made of wood. The game they play is bulutangkis, and it is a national obsession. Outside of Indonesia the game is known as badminton.
Badminton was invented in the 1860s by the daughters of the Duke of Beaufort, who entertained themselves with a version of the children's game known as battledore and shuttlecock. The game they derived for themselves soon became known for the house in which they played it, the duke's Badminton House in Gloustershire, England.
Before long, badminton societies and clubs were sprouting throughout England. In 1893 the first Badminton Association was formed. Six years later the All-England Badminton Championship was played. Eventually, the sport migrated to continental Europe. From there it reached India via British military officers and Indonesia by way of Dutch colonists. The far-flung expansion necessitated the formation of the International Badminton Federation (IBF) in 1934.
Badminton took root in many countries, including Australia, China, Denmark, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, and the United States. But nowhere did it catch on as it did in Indonesia, which ultimately became a global badminton superpower. In 1992, badminton's inaugural year as an official Olympic sport, Indonesians brought home the country's first gold medals.
Indonesia's tropical climate permits year-round outdoor play. The sport's low equipment cost makes it affordable to almost anyone. Two rackets, a shuttlecock, a long piece of string, and an empty piece of ground are all that is needed. Courts are often placed next to houses or apartment buildings because the structures serve as windbreaks. Fences covered with sheets of canvas also do the trick. In the absence of windbreaks, courts are oriented with prevailing winds blowing parallel to the court, not perpendicular.
Indonesian dominance of the sport began in the 1950s. In 1957 Indonesia competed in its first Thomas Cup, an international tournament named for IBF cofounder Sir George Thomas, a renowned badminton, tennis, and chess champion. Indonesia's stunning victory earned the country immediate entrance into the IBF.
Indonesia went on to win the triennial competition seven times in nine attempts from 1961 to 1984. The country also made its mark in other international tournaments, including the World Championship, the World Grand Prix, and the World Cup. Indonesia's best player during this stretch was also regarded as the best player in the world—Rudy Kurniawan Hartono, winner of a record eight All-England titles from 1968 to 1976. Hartono's victory at the 1980 World Championships before a home-country crowd in Jakarta keyed a dominant performance by the Indonesians, who won four of five events.
Starring on Indonesia's talent-rich delegation to the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, was Susi Susanti, winner of the World Junior Championships in 1990, 1991, and 1992 (and ultimately 1993 and 1994). Susanti won the women's singles competition, becoming the first Indonesian athlete to earn an Olympic gold medal since the country gained its independence 43 years earlier. “It was something very precious for Indonesia,” she remarked later, according to Sports Illustrated. Meanwhile, the Indonesian men produced a medal sweep in the singles competition, with Allan Kusuma capturing the gold, Ardy Wiranata the silver, and Hermawan Susanto the bronze. Indonesia also earned the silver and bronze in the men's doubles.
The badminton team returned home as heroes. Their achievements had the effect of piling additional pressure onto the squad heading for the 1996 games in Atlanta, Georgia. “Because we won two gold medals in '92, the government wants some more in Atlanta,” Kusuma told Sports Illustrated a few weeks before the Atlanta competition. “Well, it is easy to say but not so easy to do.”
Kusuma and the national team's 80-odd other members lived at a cramped training center on the outskirts of Jakarta where, according to Sports Illustrated, words of inspiration were painted on a wall: “Badminton is my soul. Sportsmanship is my breath. Red and white [the national colors] is the symbol of my fate.” The players were also motivated by material incentives. Their gold-medal efforts earned Kusuma and Susanti each a $200,000 bonus—about 200 times the country's annual per capita income. The stars also reaped handsome incomes by promoting cars, shampoo, and other consumer products.
All the words and money, however, didn't help Indonesia improve on its Olympic medal count in Atlanta. The only gold medal was brought home by the men's doubles duo of Rexy Mainaky and Ricky Subagja, the reigning world champions. The two narrowly defeated a Malaysian pair who ignored a fortune-teller's advice to take green bananas onto the court. After the victory Mainaky sobbed as the Indonesian faithful among the crowd sang and waved flags. “I thank God for giving us the power to win this game,” he told the ESPNET Sportszone Web site afterwards.
Despite their performance at the 1996 Olympics, Indonesians have maintained their first-class rank in the sport. As for badminton in general, the future looks bright.


10 March 2008

A glass of Milk

One day a impecunious child walking from house to house for the shake of defraying school. He feel hungry and thirsty, but unhappily he is only having a little bit of money. That child set mind on to ask some food from home closest. But, moment a young girl open door, he lose its bravery. Finally he is only asking for white water of glass to offering thirst. That young girl think surely this child feel hungry hence milk tumbler to bring for child. He drink slowly, then enquire, " How much my debt to you. "You do not owe any to me," " My mother teach me in order not to accept payment for deed both for us conduct. That child answer, " So, I am only can render thanks to you. Moment of Howard Kelly, that impecunious moppet, staying out he is not merely feeling its fresher body, but its confidence at God and fellow being become stronger. Previously he have feel hopelessly and almost surrender Year after year elapse. One day the young woman experience of pain hard. Doctor who handling it feel to confuse and finally send woman that to metropolis to get help of specialist. Dr. Howard Kelly called to consult.
When he hear the name of provenance town the patient, he immediately go to room where the woman taken care of. He direct recognize and setting mind on to conduct best matter which he can helping. After date that, he give special attention at this case. After passing struggle of length, that patient recover.. Dr. Kelly called by administration to sign expense which must be paid by the womant. He lay eyes on the receipt and then write down something. The receipt then in sending to room treatment of woman. The woman have cold feet to opening it, because she feel sure that she will not can pay for it. Finally she saw that receipt. A small note at receipt have drawn his attention. She read that note : " is paid by]keel with one glass milk.”
Sign, Dr. Howard Kelly.

Tear emit a stream of from his eye, in happy moment she prayer and praise :" God Thanks, Your Love have pass by hand and heart of human being.
A day positive Have.




I like this articles and I want sharing to others.. I think everybody can agree with this opinion.
Just read and find interesting meaning content.

Do God create all is existing?
Is that badness there is ?
Do God create badness?

A Professor from a famous university challenge all student with this question
" Do God create all is existing?"
A student bravely answer " Right, God who create altogether"
" God create altogether?" Ask professor again.
" Yes, Mr., altogether" student say. That professor reply " If God create anything, meaning God create badness. Because that badness there is, and according to our principle that our work explain the who we are, become we can assume that God is badness.

That student are quiet and cannot abjection the hypothesis of professor. That professor feel winner and he have proved that religion is a myth. Other student hands up and say, " Professor, May I enquire something. " Of course,"
That Student stand up and enquire, " Professor, do chilled that there is?
" What question like kinds of that? of course chilled that there is. You have never feel ill of influenza?" Ask the professor accompanied by other student laugh.

That student answer, " In reality, chilled nor there is. According to physics law, what we assume to be chilled by that is the no heat. Temperature - 460F is the no heat at all. And all particles become to be kept quiet and cannot react at the temperature. We create cool word for explained no heat.
That student continue, " Professor, what that dark there is?
That professor answer, " Of course that there is.
That student answer, " Wrong answer , Dark that nor there is. Dark is situation where there no light. Light we can study, dark is not.

We can use Newton prism to solve light become some colors and study various wavelength each colors. But you cannot measure darkly. Dark how a room measured with how many light intensity in room. Dark word cerate human being for explained of no light.

Finally that student enquire, " Professor, is that badness there is ?
With hesitated that professor answer, " Of course, such as those which I have tell previously. We see every day in]Newspaper and of TV. Many case of hardness and criminal among human being. The cases is manifests of badness.

To this statement of that the student say, " wrong answer again, badness there is no. Badness is the no God. Like chilled or is dark, badness is word created by human being for explained of is no God. God do not create badness. Badness is result of from God inexistence of human being heart. Like chilled by arising out from no heat and is dark of arising out from no light.

Professor is kept quiet and cannot expostulate clarification of mentioned student.
You might not realize him (the student). Name of this student enough familiar in your ear.
Name of that student is ... Albert Einstein


07 March 2008 Privacy Policy Privacy Statement
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06 March 2008


In my country Indonesia, its weather condition very difficult to prediction, every day sometime rain, sometime heat. The weather like this make body becoming not stabilize and this make our body of pain. It is not easy to forecast the weather. Meteorologists—scientists who study weather—use many kinds of tools. They study the kinds of clouds that form in the sky. They measure how fast winds are blowing. They send up weather balloons to measure temperature and humidity (moisture in the air) up high. They use satellites to take pictures of clouds and storms swirling around Earth.
All of this information goes into computers. Computer programs tell weather forecasters what might happen. You listen to your radio or television weather forecast to learn whether you should carry an umbrella or wear a jacket.
Sometimes the weather forecast is right and sometimes it is wrong. Meteorologists are always looking for better ways to predict the weather.



Secret codes keep messages private. Codes are very useful for sending secret military information during wartime. Banks, companies, and government agencies also use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer.
People have used secret codes for thousands of years. As long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them. Code breaking never lags far behind code making.
The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography (pronounced krip-TOG-ruh-fee). The word means “hidden writing.”
There are three main types of hidden writing. They are concealed messages, ciphers, and codes. However, all three are commonly called codes.
You can conceal (hide) a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out. For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels,” spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”
Concealed messages, like this one, are easy to break. Once the secret is out, anyone can read them.
Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet. You might represent each letter with a number, for example. Although we call this a code, experts call it a cipher.
Let’s number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 5 20 13 5.” This is called a substitution cipher.
In a transposition cipher, the letters in a message are rearranged in some way. We could, for example, reverse each pair of letters in “Meet me.” Then our message would read “Emte em.”
A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. However, to work out the cipher above, you don’t need a code book. All you need to know is the system used for substitution or rearrangement.
With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words. For example, “bridge” might stand for meet and “out” might stand for me. The message “Bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me.”
It is very hard to break a code without the code book. However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently.
Ciphers are easy to use and remember. A simple cipher, however, is also easy to break. In any language, some letters are used more than others. In English, e is the most common letter, followed by t and a. Some letters frequently occur together, such as th and ch. By studying several messages, a code breaker can easily figure out a simple cipher.
Complex ciphers use a different cipher, or code, for each letter in a message. The letters in a keyword reveal which cipher is used for each letter. Only people who know the keyword can read the message. Codes can be almost unbreakable if they use combinations of ciphers and change the keyword often.
During World War II (1939-1945), math experts in Britain broke the German military code. Britain was at war with Germany. German military forces coded messages with a device called an Enigma machine. Enigma used gears and wheels to create millions of different ciphers. But British mathematicians and code breakers figured out the cipher and uncovered German military plans.


03 March 2008

Tailor on the road

Many way of to stand at bay beggar life, like selling cigaret in traffict light, open rice booth, service patch tire.. and others way. Progressively day, old people progressively. So also with one man this, its age have 81 years old. To stand at bay to experience here you are life remain to be devoted with its work as tailor of public road. Yes. By trade sew which is standing on road pavement, everyday only can bring Money of Rp 20.000,- but sometime nor bring nothing.
But becoming greatness of this father is…. God still bestow healthy eye to him. he do not require eyeglasses for its everyday activity, even for the input of yarn into hole tail he can. God always pay attention smallest things which not many people paid attention.



Can you imagine if only, world not have transportations. Which all activity will be pursued. Aeroplane, boat, car, motor, bicycle even which is movement by animal even also there is still now. So also with pedicab. This vehicle have 3 wheel for the powering of it and unique of it not wear machine but still similar to principle work bicycle that is with pedal with human being foot energy as source of its machine. This vehicle still become vehicle of favorite in Indonesia, especially womans. This vehicle in fact good for depended where place operate it, but will progressively bother once and make to stuck when this vehicle reside in protocol road. But me still take a fancy to this vehicle, sometime also I use for certain which oblige using it. :)
Look the picture try to see in picture, that's transportation form which still used in Indonesia.


29 February 2008

Learn From Bamboo

Learn From Bamboo
This a good articel to start ur new days so just face it...

This is a very beautiful message worth passing on to everyone. I totally agree with everything said here.......worth keeping for inspiration and to keep us all going........

One day I decided to quit...I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer surprised me...

"Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?" "Yes", I replied.
"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care ofthem. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from theearth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." He said.
"In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit." He said.
"Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge itcould not handle." He said to me.
"Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots?"
"I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you." "Don't compare yourself to others." He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful." "Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high"

"How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return."As high as it can?" I questioned "Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can." I left the forest and bring back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you. He will never give up on you.

Never regret a day in your life.Good days give you happiness; bad days give youexperiences; both are essential to life


Happy Birthday Party

Wrong Conclusion

Last two week represent me anniversary which is 35 year age and of my mood do not too good at that morning. I go down for breakfast on the chance of my wife will say with full of happiness " Happy birthday my affectionate husband" and might possibly with a anniversary gift for me. Time elapse and even she do not congratulate morning. I think, yes, that's wife, but possible my children will remember if today I are is recuring of year (my brithday). My Children come to dining table for breakfast but they nor telling one broken word anything.
Finally I go to office with sorrowful and disappointed full of feeling . When me step into room, My Secretary, Janet, addressing me " Good Morning Boss, Happy birthday". And finally I feel a little a little knowing there is someone considering my anniversary.

I work until high noon and later;then Janet knock at my room and say " Do You do not realize that today so fair outside and today is your anniversary, let us go lunch, only both us. I say " Wow, that is remarkable word which I hear today, let us go we both go lunch. We do not go to place where us usually lunch, but us go to silent place. We order 2 bottle of martini and very is enjoying of our lunch. Inbound to office, she say, " You know this is day which so respect, We needn't return to office, are we?. I think needn't, my answer. Then she invite me to stop by to its apartment. After arriving at its apartment, she say, " Boss, if You do not object, I will go to cubicle and discharge something so that balmier.”

Of course shout me happily. She go to her room and about six minute later, then she go out to bring anniversary cake which is big to be accompanied by wife, my children and a number of our job friend at the same time singing a song Happy birthday. I am only siting to fetch up all standing there. In a sofa,.......naked without clothes.


27 February 2008


Every sure woman very is taking a fancy toflower like rose, jasmine, tulip, and others. but is not happened to me, this is matter odd things in my life that is me frown upon flower. I do not suspect why can like that. But that big no matter for me person. Exactly very think much of is chocolate. This chocolate so make I live it up. Chocolates made in Dutch is chocolate becoming my favorite, like dove, galaxy, mars, snickers, milky way and others. Likely very is differing from of local brand in Indonesia, soft likely and more felt its make more special from local brand chocolate in Indonesia. My family in Dutch always send this chocolate to me. They always send chocolate me counted 10 kg or more one year once and that last for 6 months. How about you are ?


26 February 2008


Six Strength of Nucleus, which must haveall Entrepreneur if them wish continual Successfulness.
1. STRENGTH OF BELIEF ( Faith Power)
Strength of Belief, " unavoidably"... representing matter most fundamental and most important... nomer one which must have by Entrepreneur. Strength of Belief, besides interpreting that us (it) is true [is] obliged to trust, that THE INFINITE surely will help us... also oblige us to " believing" or believing anything walke we which have go through that (it) is true truely correct. Don'tbecome one who always hesitates... so
2. STRENGTH OF MIND ( Mind Power)
Strength of its Mind meaning, we don't be easy think to surender, don't easy to to think unable to. Because anything which we think of. truely correct, and surely extant to immediately become fact. Because, Considering...! our mind [of] super strength. Become don't look down to our own mind. Mindset we have to be real correct if wishing to go forward in life
3. STRENGTH OF HEALTH ( Healthy Power
Strength of Health remind all of us,so that always keep in good health physical and also is psychical, health of soul and body. We don't doze with only trying in business, so that forget health... finally we fall sick physically and also is psychical. This can cause our shot to pieces business...!!! Our money also can finished just for medicinize to doctor, to paranormal, to soothsayer
4. STRENGTH OF DREAM ( Dream Power)
Strength of Dream no doubt again, as activator machine [go] to our aspiration. Without dream, don't hope we can make a move to [go] to successfulness. What of your dream.
Strength of Willingness of course also we have to have. If not there willingness, how we come walk? Willingness here the including willingness to execute activity goals or plan, do not only desisting in planning. Wise reputedly kan like this: " Where there is Willingness, There is a solution.
6. STRENGTH OF NETWORK ( Networking Power)
Strength of Network also is obliged to have by a Entrepreneur. We must be out for have many friends... But yes nope promiscuously friends, networking friendship besides can extend existing business, also function to extend knowledge which we have.


25 February 2008

Onions, Grapefruits, Sweet Potatoes, Tomato, Eggplant, Avocado's and Pears

This is interesting info...
You are what you eat, so eat well. A stupendous insight of civilizations past has now been confirmed by today's investigative, nutritional sciences. They have shown that what was once called 'The Doctrine of Signatures' was astoundingly correct. It now contends that every whole food has a pattern that resembles a body organ or physiological function and that this pattern acts as a signal or sign as to the benefit the food provides the eater. Here is just a short list of examples of Whole Food Signatures.
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye...and science shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart is red and has four chambers. All of the research shows tomatoes are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows that grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrum's and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neocortex. We now know that walnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Eggplant, Avocado's and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? .... It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the motility of male sperm and increase the numbers of sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.

Grapefruits, Oranges, and other citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like body cells. Today's research shows that onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes.

'The news isn't that fruits and vegetables are good for you, it's that they are so good for you, they can save your life.'
David Bjerklie, TIME Magazine, Oct. 2003